Joined: October 17, 2012
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`Hello Chad,
I am Colleen. I just found out yesterday that I tested positive. I would have had no idea, except a guy I had been with months ago, tried to come back around and was ticked because I wouldn't have a "relationship" with him, said to me, "BTW...." I don't know if he said it to be a d*c or if he really did give it to me. What if I have had it awhile without knowing, I would feel terrible if I gave it to anyone. I have not had any signs or symptoms and my doctor said I may never, one doesn't know. I did however freak out a bit and she put me on preventive medicine.
I am so ashamed of this and at the same time upset that someone would knowingly give this to someone without caring. I had to tell a friend they would need to get tested...although, I am somehow thinking we will no longer be friends if he finds out he has it. How hard was it to get past your first finding out? Have you dated since? Does it get any easier?